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Reuse plastic again and again

If every person  or family reuse of plastic bags again and again and don't burn🔥 or throw dustbin. Own one step works wonder in the world . 
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IF you think God is soo far away from yourself. YOU ARE wrong. GOD IS VERY near of all of you. WE ALL son of God. GOD IS CREATOR OF everything. WE ONLY forgetting him.GOD IS CLOSE than our hand. Example. If your close relative you call them or not text for a very long time..ONE day come when we forget our those relatives. IF YOU REMEMBER THAN you close if you forget you are far. THE SAME things here.. WE only forget GOD.. We all a like a. FISH. A FISH can live in water but cannot define him.. At the end we can say that praise God everytime. AND REMEMBER IN OUR MIND God name WAHEGURU..means God you are very very big. Your creation also big. We can not explain your virtue. This is magic word.. With using these word we go the GOD real word.. And we really feel inside real happiness. We forget all our pains,sorrows and worries. 

Money is not everything

In the world happiness and satisfaction is a basic need of every human being.If you think money id every thing then you are wrong. Money is only symbol.You don't buy happiness and satisfaction with the using of money.Many rich person are usually unhappy and dissatisfied in her life. BECAUSE they don't care ourselves they find happiness and satisfaction in the outer world with the using of money. Because all her tricks are fail.HAPPINESS and satisfaction inner feeling. So always smile in her face. Only smile and happy face gives you everything. THIS TRICK GIVES YOU POWER.This changes your mood and negative thoughts changes into positivity.Always thing you are the best guy in the world. You come in the world doing good action.